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Food Recommendations for Bulking to Build Stronger Muscles Fast

Knowing foods for bulking is essential when you want to run this program. Please note, bulking is a series of activities carried out to increase muscle mass and strength so that the body becomes more ideal and healthy. Eating the right foods is very important when bulking, because it provides the nutrients and energy needed by the body to help increase muscle mass effectively.

When bulking, the main goal is to increase muscle mass by consuming more calories than the body burns. These additional calories provide the additional energy needed by the body to increase muscle volume and strength during weight training sessions.

1. Nuts

Nuts are a good source of vegetable protein for bulking, such as almonds, peanuts and red beans which contain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals which help repair muscles and build new muscles. Apart from that, nuts also contain healthy fats and complex carbohydrates which can provide stable and long-lasting energy.

2. Red meat

The choice of meat for a bulking program is not just chicken. You can also consume red meat, for example beef, pork, lamb or goat. Red meat is rich in quality protein, such as creatine, which can repair muscle damage after exercise and also plays a role in building muscle mass. CERIABET

3. Fruit

The first type of food for bulking is fruit. Although not many, there are several fruits high in calories and carbohydrates that can be consumed. These two ingredients can be fuel for physical activity. Apart from that, these ingredients are also useful for building muscle, such as carbohydrates which help increase muscle glycogen levels and prevent muscle damage, as well as antioxidants which can help burn fat.

4. Tofu and tempeh

Protein needs are not only obtained from animals, but can also be obtained from plants. Vegetable protein has the same benefits as animal protein in terms of building muscle. You can find this type of protein in tempeh and tofu which are made from soybeans.

5. Meat and Seafood

When undergoing a bulking program, you can get your calorie intake through meat and seafood. Apart from that, this intake can also be used as a good source of protein for building muscle. As a recommendation, you can eat lean red meat, such as beef, lamb and goat, which can help restore muscle damage after exercise because it contains keratin as well as helping muscle mass growth because of its fat and protein content.

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