1. Environmental Science

What to Make of Extreme Weather Predictions – State of the Planet

A aerial photo of flooded homes
Homes flooded by Hurricane Ian. Photo: Florida Fish and Wildlife

In the next few months, heat waves, droughts, thunderstorms and hurricanes will wreak havoc on regions around the world. Climate scientists say these events are becoming more extreme and dangerous, thanks in part to the changing climate. 

For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s outlook for the 2024 hurricane season, which just started June 1, anticipates an exceptionally high number of storms this year. 

Why are extreme weather events worsening? How is climate change contributing to this development? And what measures are being taken to adapt to this new reality? 

Bill Loveless, co-host of the Columbia Energy Exchange podcast, talks with Radley Horton about the outlook for extreme weather events across the globe this summer, and why their intensity and severity are expected to increase.

Horton is a professor at the Columbia Climate School, where he teaches and researches climate extremes, risks, impacts and adaptation. He was a convening lead author for the United States’ Third National Climate Assessment, and he is currently a principal investigator for NOAA, focusing on climate risk in the urban U.S. Northeast.

Listen to the episode here.

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