Kevin Krajick's articles

  1. Environmental Science
Between 59 million and 51 million years ago, Earth experienced dramatic warming periods—both a gradual one stretching millions of years, and more sudden spikes known as hyperthermals, measured in thousands to tens of thousands of years. Scientists agree that higher temperatures were driven in large part by increases in the amount of carbon dioxide in […]
  1. Environmental Science
The story of Greenland keeps getting greener—and scarier. A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center—not just the edges—of Greenland’s ice sheet melted away in the recent geologic past, and that the now ice-covered island became home to a living tundra landscape. A team of scientists reexamined a few inches of sediment from the […]
  1. Environmental Science
Some 1,000 years ago, a small band of Polynesians sailed thousands of miles across the Pacific to settle one of the world’s most isolated places—a small, previously uninhabited island they named Rapa Nui. There, they erected hundreds of “moai,” or gigantic stone statues that now famously stand as emblems of a vanished civilization. Eventually, their […]
  1. Environmental Science
Off the coasts of southern British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and northern California lies a 600 mile-long strip where the Pacific Ocean floor is slowly diving eastward under North America. This area, called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, hosts a megathrust fault, a place where tectonic plates move against each other in a highly dangerous way. The […]
  1. Environmental Science
On Jan. 8, 2014, a meteor raced by means of Earth’s environment off Papua New Guinea, exploded right into a fireball over the ocean, and disappeared. That will have been the top of it. Apart from Harvard astronomer Abraham “Avi” Loeb, who in 2019 analyzed information from low-frequency sound sensors run by the U.S. Division […]


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