In the dynamic landscape of drug discovery, PointCross Life Sciences is at the forefront, empowering tomorrow’s innovations one data-driven solution at a time. Recognized as one of the “10 Most Recommended Pharma & Life Sciences Technology Companies – 2023” by CIO Insider India, the company’s flagship product, Xbiom, is designed to meet the challenges of today’s drug discovery landscape.
Xbiom excels in regulatory submissions with built-in metadata repositories, automating SDTM, ADaM, and TFL generation. It integrates cutting-edge technologies, accommodating streaming data from wearables and remote sensing. This not only accelerates BioTech’s scientific and regulatory processes but also leads to quicker insights and cost-effective, submission-ready deliverables.
PointCross’s commitment to efficiency and cost-effectiveness is evident in their Data Concierge service, a non-traditional but highly specialized form of support. This service provides BioTech and Pharma companies with a team of technology-enabled virtual experts in data science, clinical research, biomarkers, and bio-statistics.

Discover how PointCross Life Sciences is transforming the customer experience through efficiency and data-driven decision-making capabilities. Read more about their flagship products and services: Point Cross Life Sciences: Where Innovation Meets Integrity in Every Data Byte | CIOInsider Vendor (
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